

!pc help

Shows help text.

!pc userinfo

Shows user info in a nice embed.

!pc setcharactercount

!pc setcharactercount <num characters>
Sets a minimum character count for a specific channel (delete messages below limit)

Member Part Delete

These commands will delete members messages when they part the server per setup channels/categories.

!pc check add [channelid]|<#channeltag>

Add the channel/categorie to the “check&clean” list

!pc check del [channelid]|<#channeltag>

Remove the channel/categorie to the “check&clean” list

!pc check list

Display the list of channels/categories to check&clean on member leaves

!pc check purge

Purge the checklist.

Duplicate Check Commands

The duplicate check allows you to manage the number of invitation someone send on your discord servers, checking every channels concerned (you can put all of the server’s categories or just some channels) to limit the number of channels someone can send the same invitation in

!pc checkdupe set [maxAllowed]
Enable duplication checking, and set the number of allowed duplicate messages (can be any positive integer, as 1, 2 or 30)
!pc checkdupe disable
Disable duplication check (and reset all configuration about it !)
!pc checkdupe list
Display the list of channels (and categories) to check in for duplicates
!pc checkdupe list add [chan|cat]

add an entry in the list

!pc checkdupe list purge

wipe the list

!pc checkdupe excludelist

display list

!pc checkdupe excludelist add [chan|cat]

add an entry in the list

!pc checkdupe excludelist purge

wipe the list

Moderator Commands

General Moderator Commands

!pc nick

Nicknames a person from your server

!pc warn

Warns a person from your server
Format: !pc warn [target] [reason]

!pc warnings

Warnings: Displays the warnings of the user from your server
Format: !pc warnings [target] 

!pc deafen

Deafen: Deafens a person from your server
Format: !pc deafen <target> <reason>

!pc undeafen

Undeafen: Undeafens a person from your server
Format: !pc undeafen [target] [reason]

!pc mute

Mute: Mutes a person from your server
Format: !pc mute <target> <duration> <time_type(m/h/d)>

!pc unmute

Unmute: Unmutes a person from your server
Format: !pc unmute <target> <duration> <time_type(m/h/d)>

!pc kick

Kick: Kicks a person from your server
Format: !pc kick <target> <reason>

!pc ban

Ban: Bans a person from your server
Format: !pc ban <target> <reason>

!pc unban

Unban: Unbans a person from your server
Format: !pc unban <target> <reason>

!pc report

Report: reports a user
Format: !pc report

!pc setreport

Setreport: Sets the report channel that the bot will send in when a report is filed
Format: !pc setreport <channel id>